I usually do not write blogs or play with the computer. I save that for my Children.
I am one of the spiritual leaders of the Church Of Malphas. I also am very proud that I am the Rabbi in a Temple located in New York and have been Barbara Malphas-Samael’s Rabbi since she was a little girl.
Outside of that, I am a father with a beautiful wife and four children.
In the Jewish Religion, there are several aspects. We have our bible. We have our Torah. We also have Kabbalah, which is the “mystical” aspect of Judaism which teaches aspects outside of the Torah and Bible.
As a father, I raise my children in the Jewish Faith. I do not feel that my children are old enough and emotionally ready enough to understand the Kabbalah. Consequently, when I teach Kabbalah classes my children as well as other children are not permitted to attend those classes. I do not leave my educational materials out where my children can find it.
There is nothing wrong with the teachings of Kabbalah, and I would gladly teach it to them when they are older. As a religious leader it is my duty to judge if an individual seeking knowledge can handle that knowledge or it would cause harm to them. Yes, knowledge is power. However, knowledge can also hurt. Would you teach a mentally ill individual to shoot a gun? Of course not.
As a parent, it is my duty to exercise my judgement and say ‘No’ to my children. Just as I would say ‘No’ to my 4 year old should they want to see a ‘Rated R’ movie, I say ‘No’ to my children regarding things regarding my religion which I have dedicated my life to. There is nothing wrong with telling a child you are too young to understand and when you become an adult, I will teach you.
One has to be very careful about what one puts in print. Personal beliefs and feelings should never be stopped. One should be able to practice the religion of their choice, and worship the God of their choice.
However, out of respect for others one should not impose their beliefs onto others.
It is my choice, as being part of Church Of Malphas, not to post prayers and rituals of my Jewish Faith in ‘press releases’ or other mainstream sites. That is for closed forums, where membership is requested and those individuals who choose to join are aware of what is happening behind closed doors.
I have the utmost respect for all the religions and belief systems in Church Of Malphas. More wars have been caused in the name of religion. All should be able to practice in peace without the fear of persecution.
Religion and beliefs is a highly debatable subject, and in all reality, it shouldn’t be. It is a personal choice, and one’s personal choices should not be questioned.
A religion is a set of rules and regulations set forth for individuals to follow. A set of beliefs. I firmly believe that there is no right or wrong belief or way to practice. All religions have a dark side and dark rituals. One should be able to practice what they want. Pagan Sex Magick is no different than Sex Magick in the Kabbalah. However, as a religious leader it is my job to know that some of my congregants would feel uncomfortable with the topic, so it is discussed in private classes. More important, as a father, I would never put so that my children could find it who I know are not ready for it.
Thank you Church Of Malphas for accepting all beliefs and practices in a professional manner, and respecting the differences and permitting all to practice in peace.
I do wonder how others feel about this. Especially if you are a parent. Do you feel comfortable with religious organizations that you belong to posting mainstream blogs, articles and stories regarding subjects that you do not feel comfortable with your children knowing and can interrupt with your parenting duties? Do you think all religious subjects should be brought out into the open or there are some rituals and practices that should remain sacred?
Feel free to write me at info@churchofmalphas.com